Self awareness in the midst of all day turmoil

It’s a pretty place to be in, in the state of Pure Awareness. Being totally okay with who you are and where you are at this moment. Feeling the freedom to be yourself in every given circumstance. But all day you will be challenged to stay in this state of bliss. Tests so to speak, that will try to divert your awareness. Are you fully aware all the time? of course not. But can your shift in awareness help you any time at any place? Yes, it can.

For example, when you are taking the time to write your next blog or call somebody that is going to make big difference in your future you would want to feel on top of your game. You would like to be in that state of awareness, where you are totally You. Because the perfectionist in you wouldn’t take it any other way. It’s time to shine! But what if you don’t feel your high vibration because you slept very badly or someone has given you a reason to doubt yourself. Or the inner critic is letting himself be heard and that makes you feel vulnerable and doubtful and off corse. Should you postpone the writing or the calling to another day? Or is there something you can do to get back into alignment with your Higher Self?

Self-awareness is what seems the most important. So being aware of your current vibration and at what vibrations you feel your best. To improve your current state of being is not always as easy as it looks. Wandering off to a great vibration and coming back to the same situation might not always do the trick. But it will show you that you have a choice and that you can alter the state of being that you’re in. So think for a moment that you are traveling to the most beautiful place on earth that you’ve ever been to and that you are there sipping a nice cold glass of juice or a cocktail. In your mind you are literally drinking that nice cold drink and you are feeling the breeze against your arms and the sun on your face….

How did your mind wander off for a moment there? Yes, it was like you were there for a moment but actually, you are still here, reading this blog. That’s how easily the mind can be influenced by you. Nobody else is in control of your mind, just your thoughts can direct your attention and thus influence how you are feeling in this moment.

How to get back into alignment

This technique might help get out of the feeling of being stuck and proves that you are back in control of your mind and your experience. Now it’s important to direct your attention to something you do wish to feel or think. Because if you do nothing and start to focus again on your current situation, nothing will change ultimately.

So the next thing you need to do is fill your mind with a vision of what it is you do wish to experience or think about. That doesn’t have to be related to your current situation because your mind will link it faster to the negative spiral you were in previously. So think about something that makes you feel good about yourself. Those great shoes you bought recently or that nice conversation you had with a friend or that amazing video or movie that you saw yesterday. It really doesn’t matter, as long as it makes you feel good about yourself now.

Being able to direct your attention to something positive and noticing your feelings change can be a great starting point to get back into alignment with your Higher Self. Now take out your pen and paper and write through your current situation, through the obstacles that you were encountering before and ask for guidance.

“…this and that and that happened and then I felt …. and that made me do … and I feel inside that this is not the way I wanted it to go, so I’m asking for guidance. I know this is not my truth because it makes me feel less than good. I want to believe in ….. ”

Just write down your inner conversation with yourself. How can you become more aware of what it is that’s going on in your mind than writing about it. You can now read it again and again and maybe even underline the parts that you know are essential to you feeling the way you do. Getting real with yourself, knowing which thoughts bring you down is essential to you overcoming these obstacles. And ask for guidance. Look outside or go for a walk, put some distance between you and the old situation and let your energy do the rest.

Energetic clearing

Bringing yourself back into alignment and stating what your truth is will be a very mindful change you can perform during your day. And that’s the first step on clearing your blockages. Energetic clearing will do the rest. You are an energetic being, but your subconscious will be following your (involuntary) lead when you are thinking in a negative way. So clearing the negative thoughts and replacing them by good vibration is a signal to the subconscious that you wish to make a change. Letting your energy flow by going on a walk, taking a shower of doing anything that requires energy to flow will give your energy body time to clear and heal the blockage that you just addressed.

  1. Use an energetic shower, like raindrops or rainbow showers to clear all of your energy fields from the energy that no longer serves you.
  2. Meditate for a few minutes focusing on the Higher Vibration energy of Love and tune yourself to this higher frequency. I am Love meditation.
  3. Ask your guides and lightbeings to clear away the energy that was blocking you so you may feel free to express yourself and be the Highest version of yourself.
  4. State 3 times: I am Pure Awareness, I am Pure Awareness, I am Pure Awareness. and see how your energy will shift naturally.

Those are the tips I had to give you today about self-awareness in the midst of all day turmoil. Hope it gives you support and inspiration to get more self-awareness and to bring your full potential out into this world. You are the creator of your destiny and the dreamer of this dream called life. Be mindful about it and make it awesome!

Lots of Love, Nanda

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